
Comparing a Mamba model to a LSTM model for weather prediction timeseries data.

Primary LanguagePython

Mamba Weather Timeseries


This repository is for comparing a Mamba model to a LSTM model for weather prediction timeseries data.


The model is trained on 8 varaibles from the GFS 0.25 degree dataset. The training dataset has a sample size of 36,160 and the test dataset has a sample size of 9,040.


  • Temperature
  • Surface pressure
  • V component of wind
  • U component of wind
  • Specific humidity
  • Convective precipitation
  • Total precipitation
  • Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth

At each time step, data is taken from 200 coordinated. The data is normalized to fit within the range of -1 to 1.


I trained two models, a Mamba and a LSTM. Both models have the save parameters:

  • Hidden dimensions: 512
  • Number of layers: 3


Variable Mamba (MSE) LSTM (MSE)
Temperature 1.6630e-05 1.6136e-05
Surface presure 5.1565e-05 7.3468e-05
V component of wind 0.0008 0.0023
U component of wind 0.0003 0.0020
Specific humidity 0.0002 0.0009
Convective precipitation 5.1313e-05 6.3685e-05
Total precipitation 3.4177e-05 4.7444e-05
Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth 1.4074e-06 1.1085e-12
Average 0.00018 0.00068

Lower MSE is better and shown in bold