
Tiny Javascript library which provides an elegant UI for user to input one time passcode. This version of package is adapted for expo project only.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React Native OTP Input


@hirbod/react-native-otp-input is a tiny Javascript library which provides an elegant UI for the end user to input one time passcode (OTP). It handles the input suggestion on iOS when the OTP SMS is received. For Android, it will autofill when the user presses the copy button on the SMS notification bar. It also features a carefully crafted flow to handle edge cases for volatile user gestures. We provide default UI, but you can always customize the appearance as you like.

This is a fork of @twotalltotems/react-native-otp-input, since it hasn't been updated for a while and was breaking on Android.

demo.gif demo.gif


npm install --save @hirbod/react-native-otp-input or yarn add @hirbod/react-native-otp-input



From version 2.0.0: We use @react-native-clipboard/clipboard to handle the clipboard in this package, So you should install @react-native-clipboard/clipboard

npm install --save @react-native-clipboard/clipboard or yarn add @react-native-clipboard/clipboard


This library works on Expo SDK 43+ (you will need to use a custom expo-dev-client though)

Basic Usage

import OTPInputView from '@hirbod/react-native-otp-input'


<OTPInputView pinCount={4} />

More Advanced Usage

import OTPInputView from '@hirbod/react-native-otp-input'


    style={{width: '80%', height: 200}}
    // code={this.state.code} //You can supply this prop or not. The component will be used as a controlled / uncontrolled component respectively.
    // onCodeChanged = {code => { this.setState({code})}}
    onCodeFilled = {(code) => {
        console.log(`Code is ${code}, you are good to go!`)

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  borderStyleBase: {
    width: 30,
    height: 45

  borderStyleHighLighted: {
    borderColor: "#03DAC6",

  underlineStyleBase: {
    width: 30,
    height: 45,
    borderWidth: 0,
    borderBottomWidth: 1,

  underlineStyleHighLighted: {
    borderColor: "#03DAC6",


Parameter required Description
pinCount YES Number of digits in the component
code NO You can use this library as a controlled / uncontrolled component by supplying this prop or not
codeInputFieldStyle NO The style of the input field which is NOT focused
codeInputHighlightStyle NO The style of the input field which is focused
autoFocusOnLoad NO Auto activate the input and bring up the keyboard when component is loaded
onCodeChanged NO Callback when the digits are changed
onCodeFilled NO Callback when the last digit is entered
secureTextEntry NO Hide contents of text fields
editable NO Set editable for inputs
keyboardAppearance NO Keyboard appearance ('default', 'dark', 'light')
keyboardType NO Keyboard type
clearInputs NO Clear inputs after entering code
placeholderCharacter NO The character/string that will be used as placeholder in the individual code input fields
placeholderTextColor NO Color of the placeholderCharacter


The iOS input suggestion requires React Native 0.58+ and works for iOS 12 and above.

On Android, it will be auto filled when you press the copy code button in the notification bar (see above GIF). It will do so only if the code is sent after the view is loaded. So make sure you request the code AFTER this view is loaded.

If you are interested in Android SMS Retriever API, we would suggest @Faizal's repo React-Native-OTP-Verify. It looks pretty cool and it should be straight-forward to use React-Native-OTP-Verify along with this library.


  • Typescript definition file
  • Typescript implementation
  • Add basic unit tests
  • Add integration tests