Monte Carlo atomic and molecular particle simulator: Simulating the relaxation of particles in astrophysical environments, one collision at a time!
- Docker image for scala-relax
- All cross sections need to be computed before hand and saved to files in the proper format
- Cross sections are read before the simulation and stored in memory for use during the simulation
- Hard sphere cross sections, universal cross sections, and quantum cross sections available from previous use
For version 1 (v1) of mc-relax the following features need to be implemented:
Create Dockerfile that creates an image for use with Apache Spark (latest version) and Scala
Create functionality to check for local files containing cross sections needed for simulation in current atmosphere
- If files do not exist, alert the user and inform them what cross sections are needed and how to compute them with scatter-calc
Read cross sections into memory from files and use them in simulation
Determine proper format for saving simulation results
Evaluate use of classes in the code. Refactor as needed
particle class
- a particle can be an atom, ion or molecule
- attributes
- name, lab frame energy, position, velocity, mass, isotope, charge
- methods *
atmosphere class
- contains information about the atmosphere being simulated: used to determine target particles, collision lengths
- attributes
- atmosphere_particles = List(particle)
- atmosphere_densities = Map()
- methods
- get_atmosphere_densities(current_atmosphere_position)
- get_cross_sections(current_atmosphere_position, current_projectile: particle)
collision class
- a class that is created when a projectile particle and target particle are determined
- attributes
- projectile: particle
- target: particle
- methods
- (projectile_after: particle, target_after: particle) = collide
Scala version of the Monte Carlo particle simulator. Uses Apache Spark for parallelization.
Fortran 90 version of the Monte Carlo particle simulator. Uses openMPI for parallelization.