
Simple HTML album generator written in bash

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple HTML album generator written in bash. Good addition to BashBlog, maybe?


  • generates image sprite and appropriate HTML/CSS markup for files in a folder
  • contains a simple javascript gallery viewer
  • each image can have descriptions in several languages
  • integrates to bashblog used in same directory


  • install ImageMagic or GraphicsMagick
  • make a directory for your albums, say, ~/www/photos/
  • copy album.js to that folder


Edit balb.sh:

  • change bb to point to bashblog.sh, or leave empty if you're not using bashblog
  • change langs to the list of languages you're going to use, or leave empty if you're going to write comments in one language only. Note that the first language is the fallback language, i.e. when no other language matches user's preferred language, first one is selected. Also note that this option is taken into account only when generating html file for the first time. On further updates, comments section is preserved intact. To change this behavior, delete comments section and run balb again - it will recreate the comments section


  • make a subdirectory for an album, say, ~/www/photos/2014-summer-trip

  • (optional) set timestamp of the directory to the date of the trip (will be copied to generated file)

  • copy photos into the folder

  • cd to parent directory and run balb.sh, passing a folder name without trailing slash as a first parameter, for example:

    cd ~/www/photos/ && ./balb.sh 2014-summer-trip

    It will generate an 2014-summer-trip.html file with a gallery of all images located in 2014-summer-trip folder, and 2014-summer-trip.jpg for all their previews (used in 2014-summer-trip.html page)


If you're using bashblog, then add edit argument for balb.sh, like this:

./balb.sh edit 2014-summer-trip

It will call bb.sh, which will use your $EDITOR to edit the file. With future versions of bashblog, you'll be able to rename file and folder this way.

Things you can edit:

  • add your text before <!-- album begins --> or after <!-- album ends -->
  • add your description to every photo (look for comments section soon after <!-- album begins --> line, it's prefilled with an empty string for each photo, nice!)