
Install Fastlane

brew install fastlane

Verify Fastlane is installed

fastlane -v

Fastlane Match Docs

Fastlane Match Docs

Creating the Encrypted Certificate Repo

  1. Create a new empty repo

  2. Checkout the repo locally

  3. Run the following command in the root of the repo (Make sure to remember the Match Decrypt Password you entered as you will need it later)

fastlane match init

fastlane init

  1. Update the git_url in the generated Matchfile

  2. Update the app_identifier in the generated Matchfile

  3. Update the username (This is your Apple Developer Portal email address) in the generated Matchfile

Generating the Certificates and Profiles

Development Certs and Profiles

fastlane match development

App Store Certificates and Profiles

fastlane match appstore

fastlane match development

Updating the sample app

  1. Update the Xcode Project Bundle ID to match your Bundle ID

  2. Make sure that Automatic Code Signing is disabled

Using Fastlane Match on Bitrise

  1. Add the Fastlane Match step to your workflow before you build your app.

  2. Add your Match Decrypt Password entered when running fastlane init as a Secret on Bitrise

  3. Configure the Fastlane Match step with your git url, branch, App ID, Match Password, Platform and Team ID

  4. Run your build. (Make sure your Fastlane Match step is run before your Xcode Archive Step for code signing to work)
