
The open source repository for the RulesAsCode.com home page.

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What is Rules as Code?

Rules as Code is an interdiscplinary and computational approach to the life-cycle of formal written rules. It calls for the encoding of rules in computer languages as early as possible in that life-cycle, and using the encodings to improve policy design, drafting, communication, implementation, and automation of services that are compliant with those rules. The international conversation around rules as code has grown in the last several years, particularly in the field of public administration.

What is RulesAsCode.com?

RulesAsCode.com is intended as a global open source repository and forum for people who are interested in learning about or contributing to the Rules as Code movement. The hope is to support and grow the burgeoning Rules as Code community around the world.

Initially, it will consist of this splash page and an online forum. We hope to expand the resources available over time with contributions from the Rules as Code community.

Who is Rules as Code for?

The Rules as Code community is international, and interdisciplinary. You will find this a useful resource if you:

  • design, write, read, think about, or follow formally-written legal rules like laws, regulations, and contracts; and
  • you would like to have more help from technology in doing those tasks more easily or more successfully.

More specifically, Rules as Code will be of interest to people with the following sorts of roles or responsibilities:

  • Legal Service Professionals
  • Court Administrators
  • Software Developers
  • Legislative Drafters
  • Contract Drafters
  • Compliance Experts
  • Regulators
  • Public Sector Administrators
  • Policy Experts
  • many, many more

Rules as Code touches on the fields of Law, Computing Science, Philosophy, Public Administration, Game Design, Smart Contracts, and more.

We are in the process of configuring a user-moderated online forum at talk.rulesascode.com to share news, events, resources, and ideas. Please join us!

If you would like to propose changes to this page, please submit a pull request at our github site.

Any other suggestions can be sent to info@rulesascode.com.