- Install Libraries:
chmod +x ./ && ./
📜 - Start up Blue:
- Whois Lookup:
Preforms a Whois lookup
- DNS Lookup:
Preforms a DNS lookup
- Nmap Port Scan:
Port scan using Nmap (Full Scan)
- HTTP Header Grabber:
Retrieve HTTP headers
- Clickjacking Test:
Checkes for the 'X-Frame-Options' Header
- Robots.txt Scanner:
Retrieves 'robots.txt' of a site
- Link Grabber:
Fetches all links in a web page
- IP Geo-Location Finder:
Find IP's Geo-Location
- Traceroute:
Preforms a 'Traceroute' Scan
This tool is for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for any damage you cause.