LexyLondon's Stars
My popular "Lets Build" series of modded DAYZ XML files for PC. Xbox or PS4 updated for 1.09. Includes Ada's full of building items and various QOL improvements.
.xml Code snippets to add to your types.xml file so your DayZ server will have the dubious distinction on having Vodka Bottles, Cannabis Seeds & Cigarettes....
The code snippet gives you complete ADA's full of building gear, with the other cars complete and with survival gear. Users just need to fuel the vehicle using the included gas-can, and then add water to the rads.
A stand-alone collection of XMLs for DAYZ modding that will add Trucks & 4x4's full of building materials & other vehicles with survival loot, plus lots of other goodies. To CHERNARUS.
XML snippets to allow you to spawn in coloured weapon variants of M4A1, AK101, AK74, AKS74U & Mosin. Assault Rifles Will Always Spawn With A Mag, Mosins Will Always Spawn With An Optic.
DayZ Discord Killfeed code base
PLEASE NOTE THESE XMLS USE THE ALTERNATE METHOD OF EDITING XMLS FILES, SEE HERE: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Central_Economy_mission_files_modding
Files for use with GravityWolfNotAmused 's SpawnLoadoutThingy init.c script that allows you to have many different custom new-spawn loadouts.