BISON - Redis Stand-Alone Solution


This repo holds the Redis stand-alone solution to the provided use cases.

Redis Server

  • For this project to function, a linux server with Redis instance listen on the port 6379 is necessary.
  • The Redis server (version 6.2.1) can be retrieved from .

Redis Modules

Third Party Modules (being integrated into this project)


Required Environment

  • Windows 10 operating system
  • Visual Studio 2019 (recommended) or Visual Studio Code
  • CMake


  • Select "Clone a repository" through Visual Studio 2019 (with link
  • Two startup items have been configured, you may selected either server.exe or client.exe for compiling.
  • The first time compiling on server.exe will fail due to lost of library files. Copy hiredis/hiredisd.dll, hiredis/hiredisd.lib, config.json to out\build\x64-Debug for compiling and running.
  • client.exe also need the client\config.json for running, please copy it to out\build\x64-Debug\client.
  • server.exe receives data from client.exe, and send it the Redis Server. It also generate event_report.txt and geospatial_report.txt per second.
  • client.exe generates random event and geospatial data and send it to server.exe.