
Yet another project configuration plugin

Primary LanguageLua

nvim-project-rc - Yet another project configuration plugin

While loading of directory local configuration files is possible via the exrc option, it does not allow to do so only for whitelisted directories. Any .exrc file will be sourced. Thats a security concern.

This plugin loads .exrc files, if the current working directory (cwd) contains one and the cwd is whitelisted.


Plug 'LhKipp/nvim-project-rc'

Don't forget to call setup 😏



(Default values are shown)

    config_file_name = ".nvimrc.lua", -- Note it is not ".exrc" or ".nvimrc" by default
    projects = { -- The directories in which sourcing a local config file is allowed
        -- "/home/user/repos/my_project"