
The newest internet sensation in idle games, maybe, probably, not really.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Shark Game

Shark Game is a web game made entirely in HTML, CSS and JavaScript by Cirrial. It is a game belonging to the "idle" or "incremental" genre. It does not require constant player attention, and can progress while the player does other things before returning to it. This isn't in any way a new or pioneering concept - a lot of people have probably heard of Candy Box or A Dark Room, or the more popular contemporary Cookie Clicker.

Development Plan

Cirrial originally developed this game for Seamergency 2014, but continued to develop it afterward. It quickly became a niche favorite among idle game enthusiasts. After a string of updates, Cirrial dropped development in mid-2015. The final version is v0.71.

While the game is in a more-than-playable state, it remains unfinished. This mod, dubbed New Frontiers, intends to finish what Cirrial started, and then move on to reimagine the game and its world.

This repository holds the second step of development, which is to reimagine each of the worlds as unique places with individually significant and different gameplay elements, along with UI improvements and overhauls to major game mechanics.

Contributions welcome.