Our fork used to reproduce Bert4Rec's results on Beauty, and provide better SASRec results by improving the loss function.


  1. git clone the aprec repo.
git clone https://github.com/asash/bert4rec_repro.git
  1. follow its README.md to install relevant dependencies and test them.

  2. add our implement:

  • Replace the bce.py file in the losses/ folder with the bce.py file we provided.
  • Replace the negative_per_positive_target.py file in the recommenders/dnn_sequential_recommender/target_builders/ folder with the negative_per_positive_target.py file we provided.
  • Add our ml-1m-benchmark.py file at evaluation/configs/bert4rec_repro_paper/ folder.

Better SASRec result.


Run the command below at evaluation/ folder to get our experiment result of Table 3.

CHECK_COMMIT_STATUS=false sh run_n_experiments.sh configs/bert4rec_repro_paper/ml-1m_benchmark.py

Replicate Beauty result.

Note if you want to replicate the BERT4Rec results on the Beauty datasets can follow the step bellow:

  • Add ./beauty_s3.txt to data/bert4rec/ folder.
  • Change 'datasets/bert4rec_datsets.py' file.


  • Change 'datasets/datasets_register.py' file.


  • Change the DATASET at config file 'ml-1m-benchmark.py'
  • Run command CHECK_COMMIT_STATUS=false sh run_n_experiments.sh configs/bert4rec_repro_paper/ml-1m_benchmark.py