OpenShift demo deployment automation
This project automates initial configuration of OpenShift 3.x nodes (masters and nodes) at AWS environment
- Linux
- Ansible
- git
- Install ansible and git
yum -y install ansible git
- ansible.cfg Local Ansible configiration file
- config.yml Main configuration file for installation process
- roles Directory which contains required ansible roles
- playbooks Directory which contains ansible playbooks used for automation purposes
- templates File templates used by ansible template module
- cloudformation This directory contains cloudformation templates
├── ansible.cfg
├── cloudformation
│ └── openshift.json
├── config.yml
├── playbooks
│ ├── deploy_openshift.yml
│ ├── step_0_send_startservice_email.yml
│ ├── step_1_cloudformation.retry
│ ├── step_1_cloudformation.yml
│ ├── step_2_register_on_redhat.yml
│ ├── step_3_apply_openshiftcommon_role.yml
│ ├── step_4_pre_configure_systems.yml
│ ├── step_5_openshift_install.yml
│ └── step_6_send_servicedeployed_email.yml
├── roles
│ └── openshiftcommon
│ ├── defaults
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── tasks
│ │ └── main.yml
│ └── templates
│ ├── hosts
│ ├── ifcfg-eth0.j2
│ ├── sysconfig.docker
│ ├── sysconfig.docker-storage
│ └── sysconfig.docker-storage-setup
└── templates
├── ansible.hosts.j2
├── iptables.j2
└── oauth.config.block
Pull source code
cd ~ git clone cd li9demoenvironment
Get AWS credentials
Automation requires access to AWS using ACCESS and SECRET_ACCESS keys. This parametres can be found on AWS portal.
Configure installation parameters
All installation parameters are stored in config.yml but usually there are no needs to change them.
vi config.yml
Deploy AWS OpenShift
To deploy required instances in AWS run openshift_install.yml playbook as shown below
ansible-playbook -e 'email=<USEREMAIL> domaintag=<DOMAINTAG> redhat_user=<REDHATUSER> redhat_password=<REDHATPASSWORD> aws_access_key=<AWS_ACCESS_KEY> aws_secret_key=<AWS_SECRET_KEY>' playbooks/step_1_cloudformation.yml
NOTE! The following parameters are mandatory and must be specified:
- redhat_username (Red Hat user who has OpenShift subscription)
- redhat_password (Red Hat password)
- aws_access_key (AWS ACCESS KEY)
- aws_secret_key (AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY)
- domaintag - domaintag is 3 letters uniqie ID for newly created domain (this means that zone will be created)
Optional parameters:
email - email to send notifications (if it is not send - email will not be sent)
ansible-playbook -e ' domaintag=yfs redhat_user=someredhatlogin redhat_password=StrongPwd123 aws_access_key=PPAJ2CVAKPCXFOUTHHA aws_secret_key=+QCXt3nHQbR9QUioGg1taLOIGy46V9CtbaRsjimM' playbooks/step_1_cloudformation.yml
It will need ~ 25 .. 30 minutes to be completed. Once it is finished it will be possible to use openshift. As a part of installation process ansible configures AllowAll Authentication provider. This means that OpenShift will allow all users at the first login.
These automation templates deploys OpenShift with all required AWS infrastrucure items. The templates do the following (TAG is domaintag):
send user an email notification that the requests is registred
create AWS keypair with name idrsa-TAG
download private key locally as ~/idrsa-TAG.pem
apply cloudformation template cloudformation/openshift.json with the following outputs:
- VPC (
- Subnet (
- EC2 instances:
- OpenShiftMaster
- OpenShiftNode01
- OpenShiftNode02
- EC2 Volumes (as /dev/xvdh) for each instance)
- Several Security Groups
- DNS records (type "A") which points to Master PublicIP
- *
send user an email notification that CloudFormation step is done
register each system on Red Hat portal (+apply proper OpenShift-related repositories)
do general node configuration:
- docker installation and configuration
- installation of additional software
configure OpenShift installer (create ansible inventory file on master node)
run OpenShift installer
send user an email notification that demo environment is ready to use
If everything is completed successfully user will receive an email which contains all required information to use the environment
Connect to the master node
Check that all nodes exist and registry and router conteiners are up and running
oc get nodes oc get pods systemctl status atomic-openshift-master systemctl status atomic-openshift-node
Access the OpenShift service using https://PublicIP:8443 or
Use Any username and any password (since AllowAll provider was configured as a part of installation)