下面是一些可帮助你使用SQL查找提取,导出或以其他方式下载Sharepoint文件的快速SQL逻辑(logic)。 sp_oamethod已经存在了很长一段时间,并且它仍在工作。 你永远不知道MS什么时候会调用这些程序。
Here is some quick SQL logic to help you find extract, export, or otherwise download Sharepoint documents with SQL. The sp_oamethod has been around for quite some time, and delighted it’s still working. You never know when MS will pull these procedures.
use [WSS_Content];
set nocount on
-- look for specific document files in sharepoint
-- 查找SharePoint里的具体文件夹
'database' = db_name()
, 'time_created' = left(alldocs.timecreated, 19)
, 'kb' = (convert(bigint,alldocstreams.size))/1024
, 'mb' = (convert(bigint,alldocstreams.size))/1024/1024
, 'list_name' = alllists.tp_title
, 'file_name' = alldocs.leafname
, 'url' = alldocs.dirname
alldocs join alldocstreams on alldocs.id=alldocstreams.id
join alllists on alllists.tp_id = alldocs.listid
alldocstreams.[size] > 2048 -- looking for files under 2 mb
and [alllists].[tp_title] like '%training%'
and [alldocs].[leafname] like '%tutorial%'
and right([alldocs].[leafname], 2) in ('oc', 'cx', 'df', 'sg', 'xt')
order by
alldocs.timecreated desc
-- extract files using the leafname and dirname as identifiers
-- 使用leafname和dirname标识符提取文档
declare @object_token int
declare @destination_path varchar(255)
declare @content_binary varbinary(max)
set @destination_path = '\\MyServerName\W$\Sharepoint_Extraction\my_tutorial.pdf'
select @content_binary = alldocstreams.content from alldocs join alldocstreams on alldocs.id = alldocstreams.id join alllists on alllists.tp_id = alldocs.listid
alldocs.leafname = 'my_tutorial.pdf'
and alldocs.dirname = 'Site/Process/Tutorials/TechnicalDocuments/How-To/Guides'
exec sp_oacreate 'adodb.stream', @object_token output
exec sp_oasetproperty @object_token, 'type', 1
exec sp_oamethod @object_token, 'open'
exec sp_oamethod @object_token, 'write', null, @content_binary
exec sp_oamethod @object_token, 'savetofile', null, @destination_path, 2
exec sp_oamethod @object_token, 'close'
exec sp_oadestroy @object_token
-- see files at the destination
-- 最终看到查找的文档
declare @check_files varchar(255)
set @check_files = '\\MyServerName\W$\Sharepoint_Extraction\'
exec master..xp_dirtree @check_files, 1,1
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