
python parser for OpenDRIVE format

Primary LanguagePython


pyxodr is a Python library for dealing with OpenDRIVE files, including the parsing function for road surface geometric parameters stored in the OpenDRIVE format, as well as data calculation and visualization functions.

The OpenDRIVE format

ASAM logo

The ASAM OpenDRIVE format provides a common base for describing road networks with extensible markup language (XML) syntax, using the file extension xodr. The data that is stored in an ASAM OpenDRIVE file describes the geometry of roads, lanes and objects, such as roadmarks on the road, as well as features along the roads, like signals. The road networks that are described in the ASAM OpenDRIVE file can either be synthetic or based on real data. (Intercepted from ASAM official website). For more information: Click here go to the ASAM OpenDRIVE official documentation

For example, the OpenDRIVE format defines a crosswalk using the following XML fragment:

ASAM crosswalk

            <object type="crosswalk" id="10" s="10.0" t="0.0" zOffset="0.0"
            orientation="none" length="10.0" width="7.0" hdg="0.0" pitch="0.0" roll="0.0">
                  <outline id="0">
                  <cornerRoad s="5.0" t="3.5" dz="0.0" height="4.0" id="0"/>
                  <cornerRoad s="8.0" t="-3.5" dz="0.0" height="4.0" id="1"/>
                  <cornerRoad s="12.0" t="-3.5" dz="0.0" height="4.0" id="2"/>
                  <cornerRoad s="15.0" t="3.5" dz="0.0" height="4.0" id="3"/>
              <marking width="0.1" color="white" zOffset="0.005" spaceLength ="0.05"
              lineLength ="0.2" startOffset="0.0" stopOffset="0.0">
                  <cornerReference id="0"/>
                  <cornerReference id="1"/>
              <marking width="0.1" color="white" zOffset="0.005" spaceLength ="0.05"
              lineLength ="0.2" startOffset="0.0" stopOffset="0.0">
                  <cornerReference id="2"/>
                  <cornerReference id="3"/>


As a work during the author's internship, the installation as a python library is currently not supported. It may become possible after obtaining permission, and the possible installation command in the future is as follows:

pip install pyxodr


Since it is currently not possible to install this parser as a python library, in order to use this parser you need to clone the source files of this github repository. In addition, in order for the code to run successfully, you also need to download the python libraries used by this project. This parser provides a variety of functions, the most basic methods of use are as follows:

from xodr_parser import XODRParser

# define OpenDRIVE file path
path = "example_files/2022-09-13_1579_AHEAD_Lippstadt_Innenstadt_HeWeg_ODR.xodr"
parser = XODRParser(path)

# find road by id
road = parser.find_road("1002000")

# get all params for reference line calculated

# visualize the reference line

For further functions: Click here to read the documentation

Example results

road visulization

road visulization

intersection detail

intersection detail

object visulization

object visulization
