
网页爬虫托管与数据下载平台 Web crawler hosting and data download platform.1.根据每位用户的个性化数据需求,用网络爬虫技术定制数据,并让客户下载所输入关键词对应的数据,目前包括新闻数据、论文数据、金融数据、招聘数据.2.设置数据需求留言板,客户在朴拙科技平台上传数据需求文档,朴拙科技的技术人员,会根据该数据下载需求编写Python网络爬虫代码,为付费用户定制数据.3.非朴拙科技的社会技术人员,可以将自己的网络爬虫代码托管到朴拙科技网页爬虫托管与数据下载平台,提高网络爬虫的复用性,朴拙科技的服务人员会定期维护受欢迎的爬虫程序.4.整合收集到的数据API接口和数据下载平台链接,供用户下载数据,极力满足用户多样化的数据需求

MIT LicenseMIT

朴拙科技研发出的基于 Flask+requests+BS4+re+Xpath的网页爬虫托管与数据下载平台

Web crawler hosting and data download platform






Automatic data visualization platform based on Python + flask + pyecharts + plot.

#Web crawler hosting and data download platform based on Flash + requests + BS4 + re + XPath developed by park Zhuo Technology

Web crawler hosting and data download platform

##The project has three purposes:

  1. According to the personalized data needs of each user, customize the data with web crawler technology, and let customers download the data corresponding to the entered keywords, including news data, thesis data, financial data and recruitment data

  2. Set up the data demand message board, and customers upload the data demand document on the Puzhuo technology platform. The technicians of Puzhuo technology will write Python web crawler code according to the data download demand to customize the data for paying users

  3. Non Puzhuo Technology Social technicians can host their own web crawler code to Puzhuo technology web crawler hosting and data download platform to improve the reusability of web crawlers. Puzhuo technology service personnel will regularly maintain popular crawler programs

  4. Integrate the collected data API interface and data download platform link for users to download data, and strive to meet the diversified data needs of users


Dependency Version
Python 3.8.8
flask 1.1.1
requests 2.22


python run.py
# 在浏览器中访问http://localhost:776

