
Convert images or system fonts to C arrays. Written for LittlevGL embedded GUI library

Primary LanguagePHP

These PHP scrips are the online converter tools:

Here you you can see how they work or download them to run offline.

Get started

This guide shows how to use the converters offline in a command line on Linux

  1. Install PHP: sudo apt-get install php7.0-cli
  2. Intall the Image manipulator extension for PHP: sudo apt-get install php7.0-gd
  3. Clone or download the lv_utils repository: git clone https://github.com/littlevgl/lv_utils.git
  4. Go to the lv_utils directory.

Run the Font converter offline

  1. Copy a TTF file you want to use into the lv_utils directory
  2. Run the script: php font_conv_core.php "name=arial_20&font=arial.ttf&height=20&bpp=4&uni_first=32&uni_last=126"
  3. Chek the craeted C file in lv_utils directory.

The required arguments of the script:

  • name name of the output file and font
  • font name of font file to use (must be a *.ttf file)
  • height desired height in px
  • bpp Bit-per-pixel (1, 2, 4 or 8)
  • uni_first the first unicode character to convert
  • uni_last the ast unicode character to convert

Optional arguments:

  • built_in convert a built in font with all bpp (0 or 1)
  • list list of characters to include (must be in rango of uni_first and uni_last and in ascendant order). E.g. "list=123abc"

Example with all options

Convert only the numbers and + - sign with Arial font (The plus sign is replaced with %2B): php font_conv_core.php "name=arial_num_20&font=arial.ttf&height=20&bpp=8&uni_first=32&uni_last=126&list=%2B-0123456789&built_in=1"

Using the generated font in LittlevGL

  • Copy the result C file into your LittlevGL project
  • In a C file of your application declare the font as: extern lv_font_t my_font_name; or simply LV_FONT_DECLARE(my_font_name);
  • Set the font in a style: style.text.font = &my_font_name;

Run the Image converter offline

  1. Copy a BMP, JPG or PNG file you want to use into the lv_utils directory
  2. Run the script: php img_conv_core.php "name=wallpaper&img=red_flower.png"
  3. Chek the created C file in lv_utils directory.

The required arguments of the script:

  • name name of the output file and image
  • img an image file

Optional arguments:

  • transp transparency handlig. Possible values are: none, alpha (add alpha byte to every pixel) or chroma (mark the image as chroma keyed). Default is none.
  • format C array or Binary output. Possible values are: c_array, bin_rgb332, bin_rgb565, bin_rgb888. Default is: c_array.

Example with all options

Convert a bunny.png with alpha for all pixels to C array: php img_conv_core.php "name=icon&img=bunny.png&format=c_array&transp=alpha"

Using the generated image in LittlevGL

  • For C arrays
    • Copy the result C file into your LittlevGL project
    • In a C file of your application declare the image as: extern const lv_img_t my_image_name; or LV_IMG_DECLARE(my_image_name);
    • Set the image for an lv_img object: lv_img_set_src(img1, &my_image_name);
  • For externally binary files (e.g. SD card)
    • Set up a new driver. To learn more read the Tutorial.
    • Set the image for an lv_img object: lv_img_set_src(img1, "S:/path/to/image");