Yonah Temperature Logger System

What Is This For

A Temperature Logging System for cold chain logistics. This project will serve as the temperature logging system for Yonah's UAV vaccine delivery service in Papua New Guinea.

Hardware and System diagram

Hardware comprises:

  • smartphone
  • microprocessor (arduino)
  • temperature sensor (DS18B20)
  • lux sensor (TEMT6000)
  • votage converter
  • SD card

System Overview System Diagram

Board Schematics Board Schematics


The software system comprises:

  1. An android phone App that has the following Main functionalities:
  • communicates with microprocessor (serial communication)
  • fetchs temeperature data from microprocessor
  • tags incoming data point with current time stamp and send back to microprocessor
  • determine geolacation upon opening/closing vacccine box
  • vibrate when phone is not facing up
  • uploads data entries to remote server

App Program Work flow Android Program Work Flow

  1. Script for microprocessor board(Arduino)
  • get temeperature data
  • constantly check for light signal and determine if box is opened
  • write to SD card


This project is initiated as part of Yonah's UAV delivery Service.