Improve SSD with Feature Fusion, IoU Loss and Super Resolution

In this project, we follow the one-stage detector design, and propose three methods to improve SSD for better small object detection performance:

  • BiFPN feature fusion
  • Additional IoU loss
  • Super-resolution input


Our code is modified from amdegroot's ssd.pytorch, see the original repository here.


  • Install PyTorch by selecting your environment on the official website and running the appropriate command. We currently support
  • Clone this repository
    • We currently support Python 3.7 and PyTorch 1.3.1
  • Download PASCAL VOC2007 trainval & test and VOC2012 trainval
# specify a directory for dataset to be downloaded into, else default is ~/data/
sh data/scripts/ # <directory>
sh data/scripts/ # <directory>
  • Note: Only VOC is tested, although you may also specify COCO.


You can download our trained models from jbox. By default we assume they are in ssd_bifpn/weights directory.

To evaluate a model, you need to specify the model type and weight file:

cd ssd_bifpn_iou
python --model [MODEL_NAME] --trained_model [WEIGHT_FILE] 

Currently, we support four types of model: ssd300, ssd500, ssd_bifpn and ssd_bifpn_iou_loss.


  • First download the fc-reduced VGG-16 PyTorch base network weights at the same link above as our trained models
  • You should also specify the model name and other parameters:
python --model [MODEL_NAME]
  • You can also stop training and resume at the latest checkpoint:
python --model [MODEL_NAME] --resume [CHECKPOINT_PATH] --start_iter [CHECKPOINT_ITER]


You can run the demo by


Results are saved to result_demo by default.