

This is a Scala application that implements a wholesale system using TPC-C benchmark.


  • MySQL 8.0+
  • Scala 3
  • sbt

Usage (Windows)

Create the tables (need to input your MySQL password in console)

Get-Content .\src\main\resources\sql\create_table.sql | mysql -u root -p

Show MySQL secure-file-priv directory

mysql > SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "secure_file_priv";

Move the csv files under /src/main/resources/csv to the directory shown above (manually)

Change all path in import_csv.sql (manually)

-- Change the path below to your file path
LOAD DATA INFILE '../Uploads/customer-1.csv'
-- Change the path below to your file path
LOAD DATA INFILE '../Uploads/customer-2.csv'

Import data in .csv files into tpcc databse

Get-Content .\src\main\resources\sql\import_csv.sql | mysql -u root -p

Run the wholesale system

sbt run

Test with sample test cases provided in testcase.txt and feel free to try your own operation in the system!


  • Li Yiran
  • Jiang Lei
  • Xu Chuke