Our manuscript.
Download RUOD(https://github.com/dlut-dimt/RUOD)
Download fish dataset1(https://universe.roboflow.com/pafd/fish-clean) and fish dataset2(https://public.roboflow.com/object-detection/fish)
Merge fish dataset1 and fish dataset2. Then you get FishExtend dataset. Tools are in ./tracking/tools/
RUOD and FishExtend should look like:
-- data
|-- annotations
|-- images
-- FishExtend
|-- annotations
|-- images
Go to lib/train/admin/local.py
to set datasets dir
Then you can training tracker follow OSTrack paradigm
Download UOT100(https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/landrykezebou/uot100-underwater-object-tracking-dataset)
Download UTB180(https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/bastech/utb180)
Put UOT100 and UTB in ./data. It should look like:
-- data
-- UOT100
|-- AntiguaTurtle
|-- ArmyDiver1
|-- ArmyDiver2
-- UTB180
|-- Video_0001
|-- Video_01
|-- Video_0002
Go to lib/test/evaluation/local.py
to set datasets dir
Checkpoints will be found here.
Put them to ./output/checkpoints/train/ostrack
Go to lib/test/tracker/ostrack.py
. Then set use MDPP is True
# using kalman filter to head
self.use_kf = False # True
Download UIE model
Merge it with external/uie
Go to lib/test/tracker/ostrack.py
. Then set use_uie is True
# using kalman filter to head
self.use_uie = False # True
self.uie = build_fuinegan() # RGHSUWE, UCM, build_shallowuwnet(), build_ushape()
Raw results can be found here.
- UOT100
Put the UOT100 raw results on $PROJECT_ROOT$/output/test/tracking_results/
python tracking/analysis_results.py # need to modify tracker configs and names
- UTB180
Put the UTB1180 raw results on $PROJECT_ROOT$/output/test/tracking_results/
python tracking/analysis_results.py # need to modify tracker configs and names
- Thanks for the OSTrack library, which helps us to quickly implement our ideas.