
Test for Exercise 2. Implemented with C# in .Net Core 3.1 using NUnit as a test framework, Selenium for the browser interaction and SpecFlow for the gherkins logic.

Execution instructions

Purchase flow is defined in the DemoBlazePurchase.feature gherkin file and implemented in DemoBlazePurchaseSteps.cs . Visual Studio's test explorer should detect it as a test to be executed. NUnit's logs will register each step or issue found.

Short description

It is a purchase flow that runs with Selenium. I am using the Page Object pattern (one page, one class) to make it more readable and maintanable. Shared page behavior is defined in an abstract class where all page classes inherit.

Dealing with SpecFlow

I was not entirely satisfied with the gherkin implementation and also added a normal NUnit Selenium flow contained in ETests.cs. My main concern is about dealing with webpage navigation with gherkins statements. That flow will be identified as another test by Visual Studio. Both tests execute the same flow.


Demoblaze webpage works terrible bad during working hours (UTC), during the late afternoon it is suddenly a good page.