
AeroCalc is a pure python package that performs various aeronautical engineering calculations. It is a fork from https://github.com/khorton/AeroCalc_Package.

Primary LanguagePython



AeroCalc is a pure python package that performs various aeronautical engineering calculations. Currently it provides airspeed conversions, standard atmosphere calculations, static source error correction calculations and unit conversions.

Package structure

This package contains the following modules:

airspeed airspeed conversions and calculations. Provides interactive mode when run directly, e.g. 'python airspeed.py'.

cd drag related functions

cl lift related functions

constants provides various constants to be used by all modules

data_file read data from text data files

default_units defines default units to be used by all modules. May be overridden by a user units file.

interpolator perform two and three dimensional interpolation4

least_sq_fit_gnuplot functions to draw best fit lines in Gnuplot

ssec Currently contains functions to calculate true airspeed given GPS ground speed and track data from multiple runs on various tracks. Will eventually also contain various calculations related to static source error correction.

std_atm standard atmosphere parametres and calculations.

unit_conversion convert various aeronautical parametres between commonly used units.

val_input validates user input when in interactive mode.

engine/piston functions applicable to all piston engines

engine/lycoming/io360a calculate engine power for Lycoming IO-360-A and -C engines

engine/lycoming/360a calculate engine power for Lycoming O-360-A engines

engine/lycoming/lycoming_power calculate power for Lycoming engines based on fuel flow data

Distribution Notes

HTML docs are created with epydoc, via:

cd /Users/kwh/sw_projects/hg/python/AeroCalc_Package
epydoc --no-private -n AeroCalc -u 'http://www.kilohotel.com/python/aerocalc/' aerocalc


To build aerocalc, simple create a distribution with the following command:

python setup.py sdist


Installation can be performed via PyPI
