
major project - child organizational webapp in node. App can curate content directly to parents so they can enlist their kids in programs written the a database

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

Implementation - BTS 630 - Web App

A website made for church orginizations to manage both registration of children under specific parents but also registering those children to specific events


  • A modern IDE like PHPStorm. A modern web browser. Node.js/Express and MongoDB plugins installed

How to use

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Execute the www.js file using the IDE of your choice

What to modify

  • To modify the code associated with the routing or databases, please edit user.js or index.js only.
  • To modify HTML pages, modify any of the .hbs or the .css files.


Please do not directly commit changes to the master branch. When working on a new feature or experimenting with the code, please create a separate branch. Once the code has matured and tested to be robust, it is recommended to submit a pull request to the master branch from your development branch for code review. Only in extra-ordinary cases should code be directly merged back to master branch.

Link To Course Group Repo
