
A private docker-based build server.

Primary LanguageJava

DevHub Build-server

DevHub is a software system designed to give students a simple practical introduction into modern software development. It provides an environment in which they can work on practical assignments without setting up their own (private) code repository or a Continuous Integration server. The environment is also designed to give students a working simple workflow largely based on GitHub's pull requests system.

This repository contains the build server used for Devhub. The build server has a REST API and builds any git repositories safely in isolated Docker containers. The build result is then returned through a web hook.

Build a development system

On deployed systems running under Linux the docker host can be on the same system as the build server instance. For development under Windows and OS X, a docker host VM is required (for example Boot2Docker). The build server instance clones the repositories to a working directory shared with the Docker container, for this to work in a VM, we need to make a shared folder between the host computer and the Docker host VM.

brew install docker
brew install boot2docker
sudo mkdir /workspace
boot2docker init
VBoxManage sharedfolder add "boot2docker-vm" --name "workspace" --hostpath "/workspace"
boot2docker up

Then ssh into the boot2docker virtual machine to mount the shared folder.

boot2docker ssh
sudo mkdir /workspace
sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=50 workspace /workspace

Add docker images to Docker

On the Docker host, navigate to a folder containing a Dockerfile and run the following command. (This example is for the 'java-maven' Dockerfile in the repository)

build -t java-maven .