Pothos, Iris based separation logic for monadic languages

This is the formalization of Pothos, all logics described in the thesis can be found here.


  • Coq 8.13.2
  • Iris should be installed on your machine, instructions can be found here. Pothos is guaranteed to work with Iris version: dev.2021-11-26.0.255341dd


In the thesis we present three logics one for the state monad, delay monad and interaction trees.

  • The definition for the state monad can be found in state.v and its corresponding logic in statewp.v
  • The delay monad implementation can be found in delaystate.v and the corresponding logic can be found in delaywp.v, note that there is an extra monad included here that is not in the thesis. Minimal verification examples can be found in delay_examples.v
  • Finally the implementation of itrees can be found in itree.v. The interpreter can be found in evaluation.v. The logic can be found in itreewp.v. The case study can be found in itree_examples.v.