Hello 👋🏻

Hey 👋🏻,

I am a Software Engineer from Austria 🇦🇹. I am interested in, write about and develop (open source) software solutions for and with JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJs and NodeJS.

You can see what I am currently up to on natterstefan.me.

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🌳 My Digital Garden

You can find my blog posts on blog.natterstefan.me. I write about things I am familiar with including JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, and NodeJS. I also do reviews of software and hardware.

🤜🏻🤛🏻 Support Me

You can support me and buy me a coffee, if you want. 🙏🏻

📕 Latest Blog Posts

⚡ Recent Activity

  1. 🎉 Merged PR #7 in natterstefan/zoom-slack-status-updater
  2. 🗣 Commented on #107 in exelban/stats
  3. 🗣 Commented on #107 in exelban/stats
  4. 💪 Opened PR #107 in exelban/stats
  5. 🎉 Merged PR #2 in natterstefan/eslint-config-ns-ts

📈 My GitHub Stats

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