Project not yet started.
The goal is to define a common interface for generating data structures and functions for building and processing them across many different languages.
Possible features:
- Records
- Unions
- Type parameters
- Higher kinded for descriptions
- Specialization to non-higher kinded for output (e.g. no support in Java)
- Pattern matching
- Direct immutable manipulation
- Getters
- Setters
- Modifiers
- Optics
- Fold
- Traversal
- Lens
- Prism
Language Roadmap:
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- PureScript
- Haskell
Initial idea/example:
context ProductTypes
-- | a product type with fst and snd fields
Record Prod (a : *) (b : *)
fst : a
snd : b
-- pattern matching
match ← Match Prod
-- set a field to a new value
setFst ← Setter Prod.fst
setSnd ← Setter Prod.snd
-- modify a field by a mono-morphic function
-- not needed here (see following functor functions)
-- might be useful on non-polymorphic types
modifyFst ← Modify Prod.fst
modifySnd ← Modify Prod.snd
-- mapping functions based on type arguments
mapFst ← Functor (Prod _ !)
mapSnd ← Functor (Prod ! _)
mapBoth ← Functor (Prod _ _)
-- optics
fst ← Lens Prod.fst
snd ← Lens Prod.snd
both ← RecordTraversal [Prod.fst, Prod.snd]
context SumTypes
-- | a sum type with left or right values
Union Sum (a : *) (b : *)
Left : forall a. a → Sum a b
Right : forall b. b → Sum a b
-- pattern matching
match ← Match Sum
-- mapping functions based on type arguments
mapLeft ← Map (Sum _ !)
mapRight ← Map (Sum ! _)
mapBoth ← Map (Sum _ _)
-- optics
left ← Prism (Sum.Left _)
right ← Prism (Sum.Right _)
either ← UnionTraversal [Sum.Left _, Sum.Right _]
Java interpretation
* @summary a product type with fst and snd fields
public final class ProductTypes {
public static final class Prod<a, b> {
public final a fst;
public final b snd;
private Prod(a fst, b snd) {
this.fst = fst;
this.snd = snd;
public static <a, b> Prod<a, b> create(final a fst,
final b snd) {
return new Prod(fst, snd);
public static <a, b> Prod<a, b> create(final a fst,
final b snd) {
return Prod.<a, b>create(fst, snd);
public static <a, b, c> c match(final Function2<a, b, c> matcher,
final Prod<a, b> value) {
return matcher.apply(value.fst, value.snd);
public static <a, b, c> Prod<c, b> setFst(final c fst,
final Prod<a, b> value) {
return create(fst, value.snd);
public static <a, b, c> Prod<a, c> setSnd(final c snd,
final Prod<a, b> value) {
return create(value.fst, snd);
public static <a, b> Prod<a, b> modifyFst(final Function1<a, a> fn,
final Prod<a, b> value) {
return create(fn.apply(value.fst), value.snd);
public static <a, b> Prod<a, b> modifySnd(final Function1<b, b> fn,
final Prod<a, b> value) {
return create(value.fst, fn.apply(value.snd));
public static <a, b, c> Prod<c, b> mapFst(final Function1<a, c> fn,
final Prod<a, b> value) {
return create(fn.apply(value.fst), value.snd);
public static <a, b, c> Prod<a, c> mapSnd(final Function1<b, c> fn,
final Prod<a, b> value) {
return create(value.fst, fn.apply(value.snd));
public static <a, b> Prod<b, b> mapBoth(final Function1<a, b> fn,
final Prod<a, a> value) {
return create(fn.apply(value.fst), fn.apply(value.snd));
public static <a, b, c> Lens<Prod<a, b>, Prod<c, b>, a, c> fst() {
return new Lens<Prod<a, b>, Prod<c, b>, a, c>() {
public a get(final Prod<a, b> value) {
return value.fst;
public Prod<c, b> modify(final Function1<a, c> fn,
final Prod<a, b> value) {
return create(fn.apply(value.fst), value.snd);
public static <a, b, c> Lens<Prod<a, b>, Prod<a, c>, b, c> snd() {
return new Lens<Prod<a, b>, Prod<a, c>, b, c>() {
public b get(final Prod<a, b> value) {
return value.snd;
public Prod<a, c> modify(final Function1<b, c> fn,
final Prod<a, b> value) {
return create(value.fst, fn.apply(value.snd));
public static <a, b, c> Traversal<Prod<a, a>, Prod<b, b>, a, b> both() {
return new Traversal<Prod<a, a>, Prod<b, b>, a, b>() {
// TODO SumTypes
JavaScript interpretation
var ProductTypes = (function () {
var ProductTypes = {};
var Prod = function Prod(fst, snd) {
this.fst = fst;
this.snd = snd;
Prod.create = function (fst, snd) {
return new Prod(fst, snd);
ProductTypes.create = Prod.create;
ProductTypes.match = function (matcher, value) {
return matcher(value.fst, value.snd);
ProductTypes.setFst = function (fst, value) {
return ProductTypes.create(fst, value.snd);
ProductTypes.setSnd = function (snd, value) {
return ProductTypes.create(value.fst, snd);
ProductTypes.modifyFst = function (fn, value) {
return ProductTypes.create(fn(value.fst), value.snd);
ProductTypes.modifySnd = function (fn, value) {
return ProductTypes.create(value.fst, fn(value.snd));
ProductTypes.mapFst = function (fn, value) {
return ProductTypes.create(fn(value.fst), value.snd);
ProductTypes.mapSnd = function (fn, value) {
return ProductTypes.create(value.fst, fn(value.snd));
ProductTypes.mapBoth = function (fn, value) {
return ProductTypes.create(fn(value.fst), fn(value.snd));
ProductTypes.fst = Lens.create(ProductTypes.getFst,
ProductTypes.snd = Lens.create(ProductTypes.getSnd,
ProductTypes.both = Traversal.create(/*TODO*/);
return ProductTypes;
// TODO SumTypes