✨ Live Pairing Tech Test ✨

Intro 📣

  • Test is 50 Min's Long
  • You don't need to finish everything
  • Work how you normally would
    • Use google/documentation
    • Ask questions

We know you are good 😉, relax and have fun!!!, we are here to help! 🎉

Goal 🏁

  • Style as per the spec below the list of cards (Block 1 - 25m).
  • Implement pagination based off the results from an API (Block 2 - 25m).

We will be looking out for:

  • Clean CSS styles
  • An understanding of state and data fetching

Where to Start 🌠

Get the dev environment up and running!

yarn install --frozen-lockfile
yarn dev

Might also be a good idea to start watching the tests!

yarn test

Block 1 (Styling) - 25m

Please use styled-components and CSS grid

Design 🎨


Example of Card

  • Card:
    • All padding/margin seen is 10px
    • Border Radius is 10px
    • Box shadow 0px 0px 15px -2px #e0e0e0
  • Image:
    • Height is 200px
    • Full width.
  • Title
    • font-family sans-serif
    • font-size 1.3rem
    • font-weight bold
  • Description
    • font-family serif
    • font-size 1.1rem
  • Price
    • font-family fantasy
    • font-size 1rem
    • underline color is rebeccapurple

Responsive Layout / Grid

  • Achieve a responsive layout with up to 4 cards showing at 1200px width.
  • Each card should get no smaller than 260px and no bigger than 600px.
  • Spacing is 10px

Find below an example of the resulting grids based on different screen sizes.

Example of 1 card layout Example of 2 card layout Example of 3 card layout Example of 4 card layout


Pagination with < & > added and styled to buttons.

Basic Pagination

Block 2 (React) - 25m

Functionality 🤖

  • Fetch all results from the API using getServerSideProps
  • The API always returns 25 results you don't need to do multiple requests, the paginations needs to be done in-memory
  • Render results with 12 per page
  • Pagination should update displayed results