- 2
Can you help me? I can't reproducing the preformance on your MaFengWo dataset with your code.
#6 opened by FlashXT - 0
#18 opened by Qiguozi - 1
#17 opened by jessie0109 - 3
Could you tell me how to process original data to *train, *test,*test.negative data?
#1 opened by fjz15056311771 - 7
- 1
Cloud you please tell me if the order of dataset(train.rating) is sorted by click time?
#16 opened by YuanCao1996 - 0
Could you please provide the CAMRa2011 datasets?
#15 opened by FizzerYu - 2
problem with install torch=0.3.0
#14 opened by zahragis - 1
KeyError: tensor(259)
#11 opened by LeelaSravani - 1
您好,Shared Hidden layers共享传播层的实现是用了高阶API吗,代码看不太懂
#10 opened by liheyong - 3
- 0
#9 opened by liheyong - 1
大佬 请问马蜂窝数据集可以公开了吗
#8 opened by zanshuxun - 2
- 0
Can MaFengWo dataset be released now?
#3 opened by ShansYu - 6
should I use pytorch 0.3.0 in GPU or CPU version? Or pytorch 1.0.1 can work out?
#2 opened by novakchang