Microsoft Defender for Cloud Product Manager @Microsoft ------------------- Focusing on Microsoft Defender for DevOps and APIs- securing dev environments
Dublin, Ireland
LianaT's Following
- 22a@intercom
- allentvSquarespace
- Aquila63Dublin, Republic of Ireland
- basil-contoLausanne, CH
- buckyrobertsthenewboston
- burkegavan
- c-brennSketch
- calebprior
- ccordoba12Bogota, Colombia
- ContosoDefenderDemo
- dariota
- EEEden
- eginhard@Idiap Research Institute
- finneym
- fungw@Azure
- houliDublin, Ireland
- IainMeeke
- ianmhickeyIreland
- jacurtisJACURTIS
- lukegrehanDublin, Ireland
- maibrahi
- mariusavram91@otterly-live
- mereckajIreland
- mikebradyDublin, Ireland
- MizzzVioletJasmine Enterprise
- PatrickOBoyleKota
- PinPinIre
- pyroliticDublin, Ireland
- RobAntcliffIntercom
- RossCasey
- samcaulfieldDublin, Ireland
- seanlthIreland
- SimonFMDublin, Ireland
- su9nil14
- taylorotwellLaravel
- zachd@cowboyhq