Winning solution of AIM2020 VTSR Challenge (video interpolation). EQVI-Enhanced Quadratic Video Interpolation.

Primary LanguagePython

EQVI-Enhanced Quadratic Video Interpolation

winning solution of AIM2020 VTSR Challenge

Authors: Yihao Liu*, Liangbin Xie*, Li Siyao, Wenxiu Sun, Yu Qiao, Chao Dong [paper]
*equal contribution

If you find our work is useful, please kindly cite it.

author = {Yihao Liu and Liangbin Xie and Li Siyao and Wenxiu Sun and Yu Qiao and Chao Dong},  
title = {Enhanced quadratic video interpolation},  
booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops},  
year = {2020},  



  • Three pretrained models trained on REDS_VTSR dataset.
  • Inference script for REDS_VTSR validation and testing dataset.
  • Upload pretrained models to [Baidu Drive].
  • Provide a generic inference script for arbitrary dataset.
  • Provide more pretrained models on other training datasets.
  • Make a demo video.
  • Summarize quantitative comparisons in a Table.
  • Provide a script to help with synthesizing a video from given frames.

👷 The list gose on and on...
So many things to do, let me have a break... 🙈



  • Python >= 3.6
  • Tested on PyTorch==1.2.0 (may work for other versions)
  • Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

Install correlation package

In our implementation, we use ScopeFlow as a pretrained flow estimation module.
Please follow the instructions to install the required correlation package:

cd models/scopeflow_models/correlation_package
python setup.py install

if you use CUDA>=9.0, just execute the above commands straightforward;
if you use CUDA==8.0, you need to change the folder name correlation_package_init into correlation_package, and then execute the above commands.

Please refer to ScopeFlow and irr for more information.

Download pretrained models

  • ⚡ Currently we only provide EQVI models trained on REDS_VTSR dataset.

  • ⚡ We empirically find that the training datasets have significant influence on the performance. That is to say, there exists a large dataset bias. When the distribution of training and testing data mismatch, the model performance could dramatically drop. Thus, the generalizability of video interpolation methods is worth investigating.

  • The pretrained models can be downloaded at Google Drive or Baidu Drive (Token: satj).

  • Unzip the downloaded zip file.

unzip checkpoints.zip

There should be four models in the checkpoints folder:

  • checkpoints/scopeflow/Sintel_ft/checkpoint_best.ckpt
    # pretrained ScopeFlow model with Sintel finetuning (you can explore other released models of ScopeFlow)
  • checkpoints/Stage3_RCSN_RQFP/Stage3_checkpoint.ckpt
    # pretrained Stage3 EQVI model (RCSN + RQFP)
  • checkpoints/Stage4_MSFuion/Stage4_checkpoint.ckpt
    # pretrained Stage4 EQVI model (RCSN + RQFP + MS-Fusion)
  • checkpoints/Stage123_scratch/Stage123_scratch_checkpoint.ckpt
    # pretrained Stage123 EQVI model from scratch

Model Performance Comparison on REDS_VTSR (PSNR/SSIM)

Model baseline RCSN RQFP MS-Fusion REDS_VTSR val (30 clips)* REDS_VTSR5 (5 clips) **
Stage3 RCSN+RQFP 24.0354 24.9633/0.7268
Stage4 MS-Fusion 24.0562 24.9706/0.7263
Stage123 scratch 24.0962 25.0699/0.7296

* The performance is evaluated by x2 interpolation (interpolate 1 frame between two given frames).
** Poposed in our [EQVI paper]. Clip 002, 005, 010, 017 and 025 of REDS_VTSR validation set.


  • We recommend to use Stage123 scratch model (checkpoints/Stage123_scratch/Stage123_scratch_checkpoint.ckpt), since it achieves the best quantitative performance on REDS_VTSR validation set.
  • The Stage3 RCSN+RQFP and Stage4 MS-Fusion models are obtained during the AIM2020 VTSR Challenge via the proposed stage-wise training strategy. We adopt the stage-wise training strategy to accelerate the entire training procedure. Interestingly, after the competition, we trained a model with RCSN and RQFP equipped from scratch, and found that it functions well and even surpasses our previous models. (However, it costs much more training time.)

Data preparation

The REDS_VTSR training and validation dataset can be found here.
More datasets and models will be included soon.

Quik Testing

  1. Specify the inference settings
    modify configs/config_xxx.py, including:
  • testset_root
  • test_size
  • test_crop_size
  • inter_frames
  • preserve_input
  • store_path
    and etc.
  1. Execute the following command to start inference:
  • For REDS_VTSR dataset, you could use interpolate_REDS_VTSR.py to produce the interpolated frames in the same naming manner. For example, given the input frames 00000000.png and 00000008.png, if we choose to interpolate 3 frames (inter_frames=3), then the output frames are automatically named as 00000002.png, 00000004.png and 00000006.png.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python interpolate_REDS_VTSR.py configs/config_xxx.py

Note: interpolate_REDS_VTSR.py is specially coded with REDS_VTSR dataset.

⚡ Now we support testing for arbitrary dataset with a generic inference script interpolate_EQVI.py.

  • For other datasets, run the following command. For example, given input frames 001.png and 002.png, if we choose to interpolate 3 frames (inter_frames=3), then the output frames will be named as 001_0.png, 001_1.png, 001_2.png.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python interpolate_EQVI.py configs/config_xxx.py

The output results will be stored in the specified $store_path$.