




Project: implement the naïve birthday attack of reduced SM3

上传时间: 2022.07.17

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/SM3_Birthday-Rho_attack

Project: implement the Rho method of reduced SM3

上传时间: 2022.07.17

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/SM3_Birthday-Rho_attack

Project: implement length extension attack for SM3, SHA256, etc

上传时间: 2022.07.21

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/SM3_LengthAttack

Project: do your best to optimize SM3 implementation (software)

上传时间: 2022.07.26

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/SM3_faster

Project: Impl Merkle Tree following RFC6962

上传时间: 2022.07.24

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/Merkle_RFC6962-and-proof

Project: report on the application of this deduce technique in Ethereum with ECDSA

上传时间: 2022.07.28

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/EDCSA_report

Project: impl sm2 with RFC6979

上传时间: 2022.07.27

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/SM2_RFC6979

Project: verify the pitfalls with proof-of-concept code

上传时间: 2022.07.27

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/Proof_of_concept-code

Project: Implement the above ECMH scheme

上传时间: 2022.07.27

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/ECMH

Project: Implement a PGP scheme with SM2

上传时间: 2022.07.27

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/PGP_SM2

Project: implement sm2 2P sign with real network communication

上传时间: 2022.07.27

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/SM2_2P_Sign

Project: implement sm2 2P decrypt with real network communication

上传时间: 2022.07.27

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/SM2_2P_Dec

Project: PoC impl of the scheme, or do implement analysis by Google

上传时间: 2022.07.27

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/Google_Password_Checkup

Project: send a tx on Bitcoin testnet, and parse the tx data down to every bit, better write script yourself

上传时间: 2022.07.25

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/prase_tx_data

Project: forge a signature to pretend that you are Satoshi

上传时间: 2022.07.26

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/forge-a-signature

Project: research report on MPT

上传时间: 2022.07.26

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/MPT_report

Project: zk-SNARKs project

上传时间: 2022.07.20

链接地址: https://github.com/CLiangH/Zk-snarks-Plonk-snarkjs_Ciucrit