

This assignment was to build a portfolio page, which can be added to as the course progresses to showcase my skills and talents to potential employers.

Tasks completed

  • Page created that presents my name, a recent photo and navigation bar when loaded.
  • Navigation includes links to sections about me, my work and how to contact me.
  • When one of the links is clicked, UI jumps to corresponding section.
  • Titled images of my applications included in 'my work' section.

** NOTE: The applications on the page are examples projects I have done for friends and family over the years, using I did not create any of the code and have included them here as placeholders. The first application does not include a link as it is no longer active.


Deployed website: (

Code repository:(


The webpage can be viewed in a traditional desktop web browser once deployed.


Portfolio image 1

Portfolio image 2

Portfolio image 3

Portfolio image 4