A Python toolkit for coordinating asynchronous and dynamic ensembles of calculations.
- anasena
- ax3lLBNL, previously HZDR
- brandondube@NASA-JPL
- bruhwiler@radiasoft
- cchall@radiasoft
- ce107
- DarianNwankwoIthaca, New York
- ddcrInvent Vision
- dee-me-tree-or-love
- emmatyping@NVIDIA
- fccc0417
- iamholgerTharsus
- jparalBoulder, CO
- jucaleb4
- koukyo1994Tokyo, Japan
- ksmohan
- kunliu7Carnegie Mellon University
- lkampoliThe University of Melbourne
- massimobrivioZürich, Switzerland
- mishapadidarCornell University Applied Mathematics
- mkstoyanov@ORNL
- nikitakuklevArgonne National Lab
- nneveuSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- paulconStanford University
- RemiLeheBerkeley Lab
- roliveira@Equinor
- rsln-sJPMorgan Chase
- saforem2@argonne-lcf
- sbastrakov@Northern-Data-AG, previously HZDR
- schwemroUniversity of Freiburg
- suprafun
- thchangArgonne National Laboratory
- wildsmLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Northwestern University
- zaikunzhangThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- zbeekman@ParaToolsInc