- 3
Que verdade
#75 opened by Ketleypratessilva - 1
Tiny fix in example of
#70 opened by ferjorosa - 2
Conflicting dependencies
#67 opened by giuseta - 1
- 2
Attention for LSTM
#1 opened by D0nPiano - 2
Upgrade to use TensorFlow 2
#38 opened by mommi84 - 2
Corrupted file
#55 opened by MikeyBeez - 1
Can it be used on gpu?
#49 opened by vlad-speddy-demon - 2
Fix prediction script
#41 opened by mommi84 - 3
cat: output.txt: No such file or directory
#44 opened by SnigdhaBiswas - 2
I didin't find monument_300_model direcory
#46 opened by dihiaselma - 1
- 1
Bug in
#32 opened by ks010183 - 0
Deprecation warning in
#37 opened by mommi84 - 3
Where is the LC-QuAD dataset?
#29 opened by DonnieZhang586 - 2
Update to indicate the use of Python 2.7
#14 opened by wannabeOG - 1
adding requirements.txt
#17 opened by marxmit7 - 1
Duplicates in movies dataset
#9 opened by xiaoyuin - 1
Fixes in
#20 opened by panchbhai1969 - 2
Issues while running pipeline 1
#30 opened by KShivendu - 1
- 1
FailedPreconditionError (see above for traceback): HashTable has different value for same key. Key en has 3 and trying to add value 715
#8 opened by zhanghongjie101 - 1
ZeroDivisionError when run command train
#27 opened by HuuDung - 0
How to deal with out of vocabulary words?
#24 opened by qasim9872 - 2
ZeroDivisionError while training
#18 opened by marxmit7 - 0
- 1
fault in tensorflow version check
#16 opened - 1
Possible fault in version check implemented in nmt (linked to tensorflow's implementation)
#15 opened by wannabeOG - 2
Possible need to rename files
#12 opened by wannabeOG - 2
Deprecated Tensorflow functions
#13 opened by wannabeOG - 0
file handling and code cleanup in gsoc/aman
#19 opened by marxmit7 - 2
What does ppl mean?
#11 opened by mikiihuang - 1
- 1
Error in path in
#5 opened by picorana