
It will be necessary to have the docker installed in its operating system to execute this project.



After clone:

docker compose build
docker network create mariadb
docker compose up -d


wp search-replace --all-tables --report-changed-only <domain-without-protocol> localhost
wp search-replace --all-tables --report-changed-only https://localhost http://localhost
wp user reset-password <username> --show-password --skip-email


docker compose exec --user www-data wordpress wp core update
docker compose exec --user www-data wordpress wp core update-db
docker compose exec --user www-data wordpress wp plugin update --all
docker compose exec --user www-data wordpress wp language core update
docker compose exec --user www-data wordpress wp language plugin update --all
docker compose exec --user www-data wordpress wp theme update --all

Checking if have files changed at core

You need to put the .git folder of current version of WordPress at root directory of current site and run git status

git clone --progress -b <tag-version> --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress.git
mv WordPress/.git volumes/wordpress
rm -rf WordPress
cd volumes/wordpress
git status