
Menhera, a javascript like functional programming language

Primary LanguageOCaml

Menhera Lang

A toy language & interpreter mocking the design of OCaml and JavaScript, statically typed with inference.

let sum = (a, b) => a + b in
sum(3, 5)


Integer, boolean, let and if:

let a: bool = true in
let b: int = 3 in
if b == 4 then a
else false

If you don't want to write the type explicitly, the above program will become

let a = true in
let b = 3 in
if b == 4 then a
else false

Function and function calls:

let sum = (a, b) => a + b in
sum(3, 5)

You can of course add explicit type definition

let sum : (int, int) -> int =
  (a : int, b : int) : int =>
    a + b
sum(3, 5)

How to build & run

Clone the repository. First please make sure you installed ocaml >= 4.08, ocamlbuild, menhir and ppx_derive. Then you can simply do

$ make

To run one of our examples, please

$ ./menhera -show-result examples/function/sum.mhr

The argument -show-result means that it will print out the raw format of the result value after running this file.

How to test

$ make test
$ ./test