
MagicLink admin Ruby SDK - Login in and connect to the Ethereum by just using your mail - It's magic ;-)

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MagicLink Ruby SDK

Admin Ruby SDK for for interacting with Magic.link.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'magiclink_admin_sdk'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install magiclink_admin_sdk

Configuring the client

To use the features of this gem, first you need to add the secret_key to MagicLink client:

Magiclink::Client.configure do |c|


Get user metadata by issuer

user_meta = Magiclink::User.get_metadata_by_issuer("did:ethr:0x5E37cA7DDe4DA255279a281FA29B29702422982f")
# => #<OpenStruct email="sampleuser@example.com", issuer="did:ethr:0x5E37cA7DDe4DA255279a281FA29B29702422982f", public_address="0x5E37cA7DDe4DA255279a281FA29B29702422982f">

user_meta.email # => sampleuser@example.com
user_meta.issuer # => did:ethr:0x5E37cA7DDe4DA255279a281FA29B29702422982f
user_meta.public_address # => 0x5E37cA7DDe4DA255279a281FA29B29702422982f

Logout by issuer

# => {"data"=>{}, "error_code"=>"", "message"=>"", "status"=>"ok"}


You can use parse! method to parse DIDTokens.

sample_did_token = "WyIweDYxM2MyZDlkMjczND...mN2MyZjI5ZDdhMWJcIn0iXQ=="

# => #<Magiclink::Token:0x00007ff2ce676c40 @claim={"iat"=>1600593613, "ext"=>1600594513, "iss"=>"did:ethr:0x5E37cA7DDe4DA255279a281FA29B29702422982f", "sub"=>"ngyQgZ5abLes8rMoccQDNb29CF0at3iHfgfDsqdK49s=", "aud"=>"did:magic:7f8d72a9-f222-25cc-99de-d0f3d724290b", "nbf"=>1234593715, "tid"=>"5f8bc242-9c25-edfd-b579-4ff58d9857db", "add"=>"0x122b7b5e5ff7448f7d2e996b65dc57cc593ded90b4ee649628e97f8d4fde6c7b701d8d14425fb4909407617037f0c3fbeafae72a1262665e2020e7f7c2f29d7a1b"}>


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/licenserocks/magiclink-ruby-sdk. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the GPL V3.0.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Magiclink project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.