- 1
- 0
- 0
Display current score on pairings page
#535 opened by hopffgam - 1
For alternate searches, deprioritise matches that would be between two alternates.
#534 opened by michael1241 - 0
Make 4545 tournaments lichess broadcasts
#531 opened by glbert-does - 0
"contact on slack" stopped working
#530 opened by glbert-does - 0
- 0
- 4
Add a link to a players lichess opening book under players profile link
#456 opened by TBestLittleHelper - 1
heltour picks up wrong (old) game
#498 opened by glbert-does - 0
Start games automatically
#491 opened by glbert-does - 0
- 2
league rating for seeding
#522 opened by glbert-does - 0
in teamgen, ability to set a fake rating
#519 opened by glbert-does - 0
in teamgen, force a player on a team
#518 opened by glbert-does - 0
- 1
- 0
3 options for alternate choice
#444 opened by glbert-does - 2
- 0
Team creation: accepted players with provisional rating should be placed on rosters
#473 opened by hopffgam - 0
Indicate team membership in webcal
#487 opened by xdemiansmithx - 0
Rosters display
#415 opened by glbert-does - 0
Vice-Captains are not indicated on public pages
#505 opened by hopffgam - 0
most active players list
#501 opened by glbert-does - 0
reliability score for team creation
#496 opened by glbert-does - 0
in registration form, don't ask about provisional rating, but inform instead
#492 opened by glbert-does - 0
change phrasing on team registration form
#490 opened by glbert-does - 0
shorten team registration form (conditionally)
#489 opened by glbert-does - 0
shorten registration form
#488 opened by glbert-does - 0
manage_players: mark withdrawn players red
#486 opened by glbert-does - 0
team creation: players with a red card in their previous season should get lower priority
#483 opened by glbert-does - 1
- 0
mean on stats page not rounded
#478 opened by glbert-does - 1
- 0
chesster should not notify players about successful alt searches before pairings are published.
#471 opened by glbert-does - 0
Withdrawal handling for team league
#465 opened by hopffgam - 1
Closed accounts get rating deleted
#418 opened by hopffgam - 2
`registration.player()` is sometimes `None`
#468 opened by lakinwecker - 2
add bolded instruction to registration form re: non-provisional classical
#447 opened by pawnsandprawns - 0
Reset celery db on deployment
#463 opened by lakinwecker - 1
Alternate searches should not start automatically if a new opponent was assigned after round start
#435 opened by hopffgam - 0
Players should not be able to set themselves unavailable when their game is already scheduled
#450 opened by hopffgam - 0
Contact Form is only for people not on slack.
#454 opened by glbert-does - 0
- 0
Permissions System
#443 opened by glbert-does - 0
- 0
- 1
Unavailable players scheduling games
#442 opened by glbert-does - 0
Player ratings not updating
#412 opened by mathgeek - 1
Time Zone info sometimes missing from pairing DM
#410 opened by mathgeek