
FrontEnd for the Code Fellows Tech Perspective Survey

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Tech Prospective Survey

Survey URL

Tech Perspective Survey

The vision


  • The vision compiling diversity data and using it as a teaching tool to bring to light internal biases and ways to be more conscious with regard to inclusivity and diversity .

The Problem Domain

  • This project will revolutionize the existing survey data, making it more user friendly and potentially caching historical data.

The Importance

  • This product will drastically improve the awareness of internalized biases, discrimination and privilege based on a multitude of factors. This product will serve to bring about a more inclusive and self-aware team.

The Project Scope (In/Out)

Survey Admin

In Scope

Allow the Admin user to...

  • Access the survey.
  • Complete the survey.
  • View data on a stylized graph.
  • Compare data by multiple students in one class.
  • See how many students participate in the survey.

Out of Scope

  • Data from other schools and students will not be visible.
  • New students' data from other schools cannot be added.

Minimum Viable Product

Survey Questions

  • What will your MVP functionality be?
    • Access and complete the survey.
    • Store immediate survey data in the DB.
    • Render a stylized graph of the immediate data.

Stretch Goals

  • What are your stretch goals?
    • Cache historical data.
    • Develop a graph modeling historical data.
    • Allow the user to access historical data and trends.
  • What stretch goals are you going to aim for?
    • The ability to store historical data.

Software Requirements

Functional Requirements

  • User will be able to complete the survey and submit data.
  • User will be able to access a stylized graph of the immediate data.
  • User will be able to secure data and login information.

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Security

    • Our app will use Auth0 to make sure we have authorized users
    • This will allow us to track and personalize to our users
    • Our backend will validate requests to make sure it is coming from our front end
    • Managing the uses of our api and databases so only our users are able to access those resources
  • Database

    • Each item belongs to a single location
    • The two databases will be a Student database and a Class database
      • There will be a identifier in the DB associated with the class
    • Each student will have a single class

Data Flow

Data flow for the survey

DataBase Schemas

ClassSurvey = {
  ClassNumber : Number,
  Identifier : String,
  ClassCount : Number,
  Instructor : String,
  thumbnail : String, //url
  note: String //optional

How To Use The Tech Perspective Survey

Step One

  • begin by running:

  • git clone then copy and paste git@github.com:Meltingpot-Data/techperspective-front.git

  • Do the same for the backend repo:

  • git clone then copy and paste git@github.com:Meltingpot-Data/techperspective-back.git

Step Two

  • run: cd techperspective-front
  • then (installs node modules): npm install
  • then (installs dependencies): npm i express bootstrap nodemon cors dotenv mongoose jwt bcrypt base-64 supertest sqlite3 jsonwebtoken
  • repeat step two for 'back'

Step Three

  • Your are going to need to create a .env in order to use the server, follow the guide in the provided .sample.env file.

How to Use

To start server

  • run: npm start To test the server

  • run: npm run test To run the tests

Team Meltingpot-Data


Our Cooperation Plan

Team Key Strengths?

Erik Program Management, React, JavaScript, teamwork, bootstrap-react Joey Front-end Design, creative, communication, leadership, team building, all-around BA Emily Front-end design, layout and CSS Ryan Cool bird Dad, testing/bug hunting, Master of parrot gifs Michael Backend creation, Javascript development and problem solving

How are we going to utilize these strengths?

  • Emily and Joey will take point on the creative styling and UI.
  • Ryan and Michael will tackle the backend development.
  • Joey and Erik will co-lead the team and ensure all docs and details are submitted and taken care of.

Team Professional Competencies

  1. Joey wants to work on leadership and project management.
  2. Erik wants to work on communication and making his presentations sound more natural.
  3. Emily would like to refine her teamwork skills.
  4. Michael Would like to improve his communication and public speaking.
  5. Ryan endeavors to hone his technical skills.

Day to day work schedule

  • 9:00am to 6:00pm 12pm-2pm lunch designed but open to interpretation.
  • Morning standup to go over what is planned.
  • Afternoon (~5:00PM) will be bringing all the code together and planning for the next day/

Conflict Plan

  • Conflict Resolution
    • One-on-one discussion,
    • Mediation with another group member,
    • Group discussion,
    • Elevate to the next level as necessary.

Communication Plan


  • Joey 12AM cutoff (but is an insomniac - available for friends at all times)
  • Erik 12AM
  • Emily 12AM (EST)
  • Michael 12AM
  • Ryan 12AM but also available whenever

Communication Platforms?

  • Slack
  • Remo
  • Zoom/Discord

Breaks an off hours

  • As needed but will have planned lunch
  • If we start to fall behind?
    • Reevaluate what is MVP for us
  • Communication on off hours
    • Slack
    • text (for urgent needs)

Making sure to hear all voices

  • Everyone will be sharing at stand up and stand down.
  • Frame responses with mutual respect.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Plan

  • Joey is going to do his best to check his internal biases and assumptions of others.
  • Erik speak up in challenging situations and bravery.
  • Emily wants to work on not being so mean to men and take action to reduce stressful situations.
  • Michael wants to ensure all voices are heard.
  • Ryan wants to work on examining his assumptions.

Work Plan

Tools for collaboration and workflow

  • We will be creating a task list to manage things from our Trello board.
  • LiveShare on VS code.

Git Process

  • Frontend and backend will live on the GitHub
  • Making an organization
  • Working on own branches
  • Push to staging and test
  • Otherwise push as needed

PR Processes

  • Two other reviews for main
  • One for staging
  • Merging hopeful once a day but as necessary

Credit and Co-Conspirators

  • This amazing final project was thoughtfully created and masterfully crafted by the master-minds of Erik Savage, Michael Metcalf, Joey Hernandez, Emily Landers, and Ryan Lee!

Contact the Team

Follow Joey on LinkedIn

Follow Erik on LinkedIn

Follow Emily on LinkedIn

Follow Michael on LinkedIn

Follow Ryan on LinkedIn