
A command line tool for downloading files from a passed URL list in multithreaded mode and displays the download speed in real time.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


A command line tool for downloading files from a passed URL list in multithreaded mode and displays the download speed in real time.

This tool is suitable for testing the network interface throughput via Looking Glass hosts in order to debug monitoring system sensors or check Internet speed. Once all files have been downloaded, the maximum, average and minimum download speeds during operation are displayed.

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🚀 Install

You must have a NuGet repository registered:

Register-PSRepository -Name "NuGet" -SourceLocation "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -InstallationPolicy Trusted

Install the module from the NuGet package manager:

Install-Module Console-Download -Repository NuGet -Scope CurrentUser

You can import a module directly from GitHub into the current PowerShell session with a single command:

Invoke-Expression $(Invoke-RestMethod "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lifailon/Console-Download/rsa/module/Console-Download/Console-Download.psm1")

⏬ Start

Passing one URL to download one file to default directory (parameter Path: %USERPROFILE%\Downloads):

Invoke-Download -Url "https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v7.4.2/PowerShell-7.4.2-win-x64.zip"

Parallel downloading in multi-threaded mode of one file (from one URL) a specified number of times (available from 1 to 20):

Invoke-Download -Url "https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v7.4.2/PowerShell-7.4.2-win-x64.zip" -Thread 3

Download multiple files at once:

$urls = @(
Invoke-Download $urls

Pass a list of URLs from a file:

$urls = Get-Content "$home\Desktop\links.txt"
Invoke-Download $urls

Example result:

Thread  : 2
Time    : 00:00:23
Minimum : 0,00 MByte/sec
Average : 8,89 MByte/sec
Maximum : 51,00 MByte/sec

📶 Looking Glass Integration

The module contains the function of getting an up-to-date list of Looking Class hosts endpoints from Looking.House.

$urls = Get-LookingGlassList

You can filter the resulting list by region:

$usaNy = $urls | Where-Object region -like *USA*New*York*

Example host list for the US, New York region:

$usaNy | Format-List

region    : USA, NY, New York
url10mb   : https://191-96-196-147.lg.looking.house/10.mb
url100mb  : https://191-96-196-147.lg.looking.house/100.mb
url1000mb : https://191-96-196-147.lg.looking.house/1000.mb

region    : USA, NY, New-York
url10mb   : https://5-188-0-17.lg.looking.house/10.mb
url100mb  : https://5-188-0-17.lg.looking.house/100.mb
url1000mb : https://5-188-0-17.lg.looking.house/1000.mb

Select the desired URL by sequence number (index) and size (file size 100 mbyte):

$url = $usaNy[0].url100mb

Write-Host $url

Start testing the download:

Invoke-Download $url

Thread  : 1
Time    : 00:00:10
Minimum : 0,00 MByte/sec
Average : 9,90 MByte/sec
Maximum : 14,20 MByte/sec

Use multiple threads to download one file:

Invoke-Download $url -Thread 3

Thread  : 3
Time    : 00:00:28
Minimum : 0,00 MByte/sec
Average : 12,64 MByte/sec
Maximum : 30,10 MByte/sec