
Code for the paper "Tensor Regression Networks with various Low-Rank Tensor Approximations"

Primary LanguagePython


Code for the paper "Tensor Regression Networks with various Low-Rank Tensor Approximations"

Low Rank Tensor Regression Layer


Inserting TRL to replace fully connected layer is quite simple. Given a convlutional tensor h_conv2, one can add one line code out = ttrl(tf.nn.relu(h_pool2), [1,1,1,10,1], 10). For example, a part of the mnist.py code is given in the following.

# relu layer. input of h_pool to W_conv2 then add bias
h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_pool1,W_conv2) + b_conv2)
# second pooling layer then the size will be batchsize*7*7*32
h_pool2 = max_pool_2x2(h_conv2)

# Low rank Tensor Regression Layer
# ttrl : Tensor Train Regression Layer
# trl  : Tucker Regression Layer
# cprl : CP Regression Layer

out = ttrl(tf.nn.relu(h_pool2), [1,1,1,10,1], 10)

To change the type of tensor regression layer, change ttrl to trl or cprl (set appropriate ranks as well).

Tensor train regression layer

out = ttrl(tf.nn.relu(h_pool2), [1,1,1,10,1], 10)

Tucker regression layer

out = trl(tf.nn.relu(h_pool2), [1,1,1,10], 10)

CP regression layer

out = cprl(tf.nn.relu(h_pool2), 5, 10)


  • Tensor Train Regression Layer
ttrl(x, ranks, n_outputs)
      x         : the input tensor
      ranks     : List. TT rank of the weight tensor W.
      n_outputs : Scalar. the size of the row vector of the output matrix.
      A tensor of size batchsize times the n_outputs
  • Tucker Regression Layer
trl(x, ranks, n_outputs)
      x         : the input tensor
      ranks     : List. The Tucker rank of the weight tensor W.
      n_outputs : Scalar. the size of the row vector of the output matrix.
      A tensor of size batchsize times the n_outputs
  • CP Regression Layer
cprl(x, rank, n_outputs)
      x         : the input tensor
      ranks     : Scalar. CP rank of the weight tensor W.
      n_outputs : Scalar. the size of the row vector of the output matrix.
      A tensor of size batchsize times the n_outputs

Arxiv and Bib
