Markdown Portfolio

In this assignment, you'll create a simple web page built with Markdown that displays information about yourself.

If you ever have any questions about Markdown syntax, feel free to reference the documentation here:


  1. Start by forking this repository
  2. In your "fork" of the repository, edit the and replace all of the previous content with your own Markdown which should contain:
    • A title (your name)
    • At least one picture
    • At least one link (this could be to your GitHub page, your LinkedIn, or whatever you want)
    • At least one bullet point list
    • At least one numbered list
  3. Once you've added all of the previous elements, read through this markdown cheatsheet ( and add one additional element not previously listed
  4. Once you're done with this, adjust the settings of your repoistory to enable GitHub Pages. This should provide you a URL at which your project is hosted.
  5. Update the "About" section of your repository so that your project's "website" is the GitHub Pages URL
  6. Finally, turn in a link to your repository on Populi