
Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Please include the correct number of parameters in each function!
  • Make sure every function returns something
  • You can console.log() the functions with test input to test your functions in the space provided
  • Read each question carefully
  • Good luck!

Methods you might need

  • .toLowerCase()

  • .toUpperCase()

  • .concat()

  • .indexOf()

  • .push()

  • .unshift()

  • You may NEED some of these at certain points, but definitely not all of them.

  • You can use anything else we've formally covered.

  • If we have not covered it, please ask to be sure that it's okay.


  • Fork
  • Clone


  • sumOfOdds

  • Write a function called sumOfOdds that takes in 2 numbers as parameters and sums the odd numbers between them.

  • This function is inclusive so please include your two parameters in your calculation.

  • After summing the numbers, return the sum.

  • You can assume that the 2nd number passed in will always be greater than the first and that the two numbers will not be the same

  • Note: This problem should account for negative number input

  • arraySubtract

    • Write a function arraySubtract that takes in 2 arrays of numbers and subtracts the item in each index at array 1 with its respective item in each index at array 2.
    • The result of each calculation should be placed in a new array and that array should be returned when the calculations are complete.
    • For exmaple arraySubtract([7,9],[2,6]) should return [5,3] You can assume the arrays that are being input are of the same length
  • surroundArray

    • Write a function that takes in 3 parameters in this order: 1 array, 1 string, and then another string.
    • Add the first string to the beginning of the array
    • Add the second string to the end of the array
    • Return the modified array
  • longestString

    • Write a function longestString that takes in an array of strings as a parameter and returns the longest string in the array.
    • If there is nothing in the array, return an empty string ('')
    • You can assume that no two strings will have the same length in the array
  • sToR

    • Write a function sToR that replaces every 's' character in the string with an 'r' AND every 'r' character in the string with an 's'
    • If the letter in the original string is uppercase the letter in the output string should be as well
    • Do NOT use replaceAll or similar string methods. If you are unsure what that means, ask before you use a string method! (toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() should be all you need if anything)
  • divisibleBy4And7

    • Write a function divisibleBy4And7 that takes in a number and returns true if it is divisble by both 4 and 7.
    • If it is not, return false.
  • exclamationAndQuestion

    • Write a function exclamationAndQuestion that takes in a string
    • Return true if the string contains both an exclamation point (!) AND a question mark (?)
    • Return false if otherwise
  • countAB

    • Write a function called countAB that takes in a single string and returns an array of length two. The first item in the array should be the count of every A character in the array. The 2nd item should be the count of every B character in the array.
    • No need to add the count of A and B together. Again, we want an array with the separate counts of each
    • Your function should account for both cases (upper and lower) of each letter.
  • addStringIfLastS

    • Write a function called addStringIfLastS() that takes in two parameters. First, an array of strings and second a single string.
    • Go through each string in the array. If the string ends in the letter 's' (either case), append your string input to that string in the array.
    • Finally, return your modified array.
    • Example: addStringIfLastS(['test', 'testing', 'testings'], 'TEST') => ['test', 'testing', 'testingsTEST']
  • twoSmallest

    • Write a function called twoSmallest that takes in a single array of numbers as a parameter and returns the smallest two numbers in the following array format where the smallest number always comes before the 2nd smallest number (ie, the bigger number should come second):
    • [smallestNumber, secondSmallestNumber]
    • If the array is shorter than length 2, return undefined to the user
    • You can assume that every number in the array will be unique