
Control a Led wired to a Raspberry Pi with an Android app

Primary LanguageJava


Control a Led wired to a Raspberry Pi with an Android app

Raspberry Pi-Side

The server application is written in java with the Pi4j library

Note that you need Java and the Pi4j library(http://pi4j.com/) correctly installed on you Raspberry Pi

Here is the wiring diagram. It is like the one used in the Pi4j project GPIO example(http://pi4j.com/example/control.html)

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To execute the java application(RasdServer.jar) on your Raspberry Pi, simply get to the directory where you put it and execute the following command "sudo java -jar RasdServer.jar"


Here is how the application should look like on a Tablet

Enter the raspberry pi IP and a message. The message should be "on" (feel free to hack the code to change it or delete it :p) or the led won't turn on.

Every push on the "on/off" button toggles the Led state.

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Enjoy! :D