how to use:

put the videos you want to transfer to headset inside a folder names videos then run => `py'

make sure to have installed the dependancies, adb and python...

get Python install pip run pip install -r requirements.txt get ADB

Movies Folder

this folder contains the video files

each file should start with a number as an index, which determines its position in the headset software each file should be an mp4 file. example: 1.________.mp4

ive added the VideoType (a piece of info that determines how the video file is proccessed) its a number from 0 to 25 (see images VideoTypes1-5.jpeg, VideoTypes6-25.jpeg)

ive put the VideoType right after the index number example: 1.20.________.mp4 (for video type "CubeMap" = 20)

Maybe: ill add the thumbnail time in the file name, after the video type example: 1.20.2321.________.mp4 (means thumbnail is taken from about 23 secounds (num is in milisec) into the video)

MoviesList Folder

this folder contains many folders, most are for panorama videos

we care about the VideoUI folder and the DibblerList.txt file

VideoUI Folder

this folder contains the thumbnails for the videos in Movies folder

each file needs to match the video file name it belongs to... except the file extension which needs to be .png

example: 1.20.________.png

DibblerList.txt file

this file is in json format (with .txt file extension) it has 1 array with many objects 1 object for each video

    "Id":"3", //index
    "Name":"3.火箭发射.mp4", //video file name, must start with the index and end with .mp4
    "VideoType":"20", //the file type
    "Program":"3.RocketLaunching" // the display name, also should start with the index number