- Start new app and
git init
it. - Go to Heroku and sign up there.
- On your apps page click on "Create a new app".
- Copy Heroku Git URL and add it to your app using
git remote add heroku your-git-url
. - Create sample index.html file.
- In order to serve files Heroku needs to start some web server.
It can be nodejs, ruby or whatever language is supported by the platform.
For this tutorial I will use built-in nodejs http package to create simple static web server.
You can find sample implementation in app.js file.
Locally server can be started using
node app.js
command (you need node.js installed). - Heroku doesn't know anything about your app.js file. In order to let it know, you need to create Procfile with only one line of code
web: node app.js
. - Now you need to create package.json file and the easiest way to do it is use
npm install -y
command. - Now commit all changes and push it to Heroku using
git push heroku master
. - Go to your app page on Heroku website and click on little rectangle with arrow near the name of your application. It will open your static application. That's it!
Step-by-step instruction on publishing static website to heroku with help of nodejs built-in web server