
Utility scripts I've written for fansubbing.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A collection of utilities for fansubbing that I've written. Improvements and ideas are always welcome.


  • Python 3.6 or higher


$ python [script].py [--args]



A small script that appends CRC-32's to every mkv in the current directory.


Argument Arg Description
--help -h show this help message and exit
--recursive -R check recursively


Automatically encodes audio in the current directory to AAC (using qaac -V 127) or FLAC.


Argument Arg Description
--help -h show this help message and exit
--recursive -R check recursively
--flac -F enable FLAC encoding


Generic script to generate keyframes for all files of a given extension. Heavily inspired by kagefunc's generate_keyframes, but made to work as a standalone script for timers. Special thanks to begna for helping me with writing big parts of this.


Argument Arg Description
--help -h show this help message and exit
--recursive -R check recursively
--extension -E pick extension to generate keyframes for
--noheader -N do not include header line for aegisub
--outfile -O name for keyframes file output
--trims -T string of trims to source file.
format: "[inclusive,exclusive],[inclusive,exclusive],[None,exclusive],[inclusive,None]"

Usage Example:

Trim one second off of the start and end

$ python generate_keyframes.py -T "[24,-24]"

Trim three seconds off of the end

$ python generate_keyframes.py -T "[None,-72]"

Trim the first five seconds

$ python generate_keyframes.py -T "[120,None]"


Generic script for remuxing videos from a certain filetype into another. Remuxes mkv's into mp4's by default.


Argument Arg Description
--recursive -R check recursively
--input_ext -i set input's extension (default: mkv)
--output_ext -o set output's extension (default: mp4)