
a fantastic tank game based on libgdx and the old TankWar game!

Primary LanguageJava


a fantastic tank game based on libgdx and the old TankWar game!

this project build in eclipse with gradle plugn. you should install t he plugn gradle for eclipse , and then you can import this project to eclipse.

========= 这个游目前只能算半成品,因为我还有一些想法没实现(需要美工啊,有木有~~~)。


Welcome to the program,ui, art, planning, etc. to join. Personal hope and like-minded friends together point to write interesting game! Thank you !

欢迎程序、ui or 美工、策划等加入。个人希望和志同道合的朋友一起写点有意思的游戏!


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